
Embrace the Video Streaming Revolution and Cut the Cord on Cable

streaming services taking over cut the cord on cable

Online video streaming is transforming how we consume information, and entertainment content is no exception. Being locked into pricey cable packages with countless channels that you’ll never watch is now over.  

Cutting the cord on cable is a huge cost-savings that millions of Americans have employed with the rise of streaming services. In fact, nearly 5 million people cancelled their cable subscriptions in 2022 alone. 

In this post, we take a look at how video streaming has revolutionized the way we consume content and how you can benefit from cutting the cord on cable today.  

 The Era of Traditional Cable is Over 

In the recent past, cable television dominated our living rooms and provided families with access to a robust set of channels, often bundled together in expensive packages that included phone, cable and internet services.  

Over time, cable subscriptions became overwhelmed with unwatched channels, leading to frustrated customers paying for unwanted services. Additionally, the price of cable, despite these reservations, steadily increased over time and placed a heavy burden on the average household.  

Enter the era of streaming services, which has revolutionized how we consume media. Companies like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ have disrupted the traditional cable model by offering on-demand content that’s accessible over the internet. Subscribers can watch their favorite TV shows and movies wherever they want, whenever they want and on any device. 

While the popularity of streaming isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, many people continue to pay for cable, or pay-TV. According to a 2019 study by Deloitte, 43% of Americans had both pay-TV and streaming video-on-demand (SVOD) subscriptions. And yet, it’s predicted there will be a 7% decrease in cable and satellite penetration rates by 2030.  

So, is it really time to get rid of your cable service and make the switch to online streaming? We think so. Read on to learn more about the benefits of joining the cord cutting movement! 

The Benefits of Cutting the Cord 

  • Save Money – One of the biggest advantages of cancelling your cable service is the potential cost-savings. Streaming services are not only more affordable, but they give you flexibility to choose which services you prefer. It’s estimated that the average consumer will save over $85 a month by giving up their cable TV subscriptions. 
  • No Fine Print – Cable subscriptions often include taxes and unclear fees, and you are typically locked into long-term contracts. With streaming services, you typically have more transparent pricing and can cancel your service at any time without incurring early termination fees. 
  • On-Demand – Unlike cable you are not limited to a defined schedule. Streaming services allow you to watch what you want when you want to watch it. No more missed shows when you are busy or unavailable. 
  • Original Content – Streaming services often produce their own exclusive content. Many of these original shows have garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. This gives subscribers access to a unique media experience. 
  • Flexible Viewing – Another great feature of streaming services is that they allow you to watch your favorite shows from any device that you choose – mobile phone, tablet, laptop, smart TV, and gaming consoles. Watch from the comfort of your home or while on-the-go. 

Personalize Your Streaming Experience 

Before cutting the cord, you should evaluate your media viewing preferences and consider the types of shows, movies, and content you enjoy most. This will help you narrow in the specific streaming services that will work best for your needs and interests.  

For example, if you’re interested in exclusive shows and more content, Netflix is a great choice. Disney+ is a great choice for families and fans of blockbuster franchises like Marvel and Star Wars. There are lots of options to choose from, each having their own unique features and specializations. Even better, some services can be bundled together giving you even more options for your personalized experience. 


Embracing the streaming revolution is a great way to say goodbye to high prices and take control of your media viewing preferences. Not only will your wallet thank you, but we’re confident that you’ll love the convenience and tailored experience of your new streaming services.  

Now that you’ve made the decision to cut the cord on cable, you need to ensure that you’re using the right internet service so you can enjoy hours of uninterrupted streaming. You need to consider speed, number of connected devices, and overall reliability of the service being provided. This will help you avoid buffering during that Netflix movie or lagging while playing games. 

At CloudWyze, we pride ourselves on delivering reliable local internet service with affordable, transparent pricing. We have lots of packages to choose from and our local team of friendly internet experts are always ready to help. You can easily check your internet service availability at any time.